Why is my computer running so poorly?
The majority of computer errors, system instability and crashes can be traced back to errors or corruption of the Windows registry. If you've been using your computer for any amount of time, chances are you have multiple Windows registry errors. Some people who have been running their computers for a year or more have literally hundreds of errors in their Windows registry, causing serious issues with system performance.
How do registry errors affect my computer?
You know all those problems you've been having with your PC? The decrease in system performance, the increase in system crashes and freezing... These things can all be caused by registry errors.
How did I get registry errors in the first place?
Every computer that runs on a Windows OS has a registry, and every Windows registry ends up with errors eventually. Downloading from the INternet, installing and uninstalling programs, deleting unwanted files – all of these things can cause errors in your Windows registry, leading to serious performance issues for your PC.
Can't I just get rid of my Windows registry?
No, if you are operating your computer on a Windows OS, you must have a Windows registry. Without the registry, Windows cannot operate properly and it is not possible to remove the registry from your system.
What happens if I ignore it and leave my registry alone?
Your computer's performance definitely won't improve and will probably get much worse over time. In the worst-case scenario, your computer experiences a fatal error and you need to take it in to get the entire hard drive reformatted or you need to buy a brand new computer. It is much easier, less frustrating and more cost-effective to repair the errors in your registry before it gets too bad.
Can't I just sort through the registry myself and remove the errors?
It doesn't make sense to sort through the registry yourself. First of all, you probably don't know what to look for, what to remove and what to leave alone. Even if you did have enough experience and knowledge to repair your registry manually, it would take you days to do something that RegCLEAN can do in mere minutes.
Shouldn't I hire a professional to fix my registry?
Not unless you want to throw away money. You need to repair your registry on a regular basis, and that can get expensive if you keep hiring a professional every time you need your registry repaired. With RegCLEAN, you don't have to deal with that continued expense.
What is RegCLEAN?
RegClean is a Windows Registry Cleaner, Kernel32 DLL Error Message Fix & Access Violation Repair Software. But what does that mean to you? Put simply, RegCLEAN will scan your registry, finding all of the errors causing your PC problems, and will then repair those errors instantaneously.
Why is RegCLEAN better than a computer tech?
First of all, RegCLEAN is more cost effective. In addition to that, RegCLEAN can probably do a better job than your computer tech, depending on what your computer tech uses to repair your registry. For all you know, your computer tech is charging you more than $100 and then turning around and using RegCLEAN to do the work
Is RegCLEAN easy to use?
Yes, RegCLEAN is VERY easy to use. It is very user-friendly and the intuitive prompts lead you through the entire registry repair process.
How long does it take for RegCLEAN to fix my computer?
The exact amount of time it takes for RegCLEAN to fix your computer will depend on how many errors are in your registry. In most cases, RegCLEAN will take just a few short minutes to repair and resolve your registry problems.
Do I have to keep on using RegCLEAN, or do I only have to do it once?
As you continue to use your computer, you will continue to get registry errors. Because of this, you will want to use RegCLEAN on a continual basis.
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