NetSupport Protect is the number one choice of IT administrators and technology coordinators to protect Windows® operating systems and desktops from unwanted or malicious changes.
NetSupport Protect Version 1.51 is now available
NetSupport Protect provides a secure, reliable and productive computer environment. With its extensive list of security features and intuitive format, IT administrators can use NetSupport Protect to guarantee that users are getting the most beneficial use of their computing experience, while safeguarding both the configuration and content on their systems.
NetSupport Protect prevents users from deleting critical files and applications, making unauthorized changes to the desktop, saving or using unauthorized programs and harming the operating system.
With NetSupport Protect, you can feel confident that unauthorized changes to a system, whether accidental or malicious, won’t become an issue or impact on the productivity of your office PCs or computer lab.
As schools continue to provide better access to computer hardware, networks and web resources, district IT staff and classroom teachers face new challenges. IT staff must manage the challenges posed by computer labs and school networks as well as control software deployment and user issues.
Teachers need to manage students who are using computers in a lab or multi-desktop classroom to ensure that they are learning and spending time on their assigned tasks.
Children want to learn, and often the best way is to experiment. Unfortunately lab computers may be used four or five times a day for different classes, so they really can't afford to endure too much practical experimentation.
NetSupport Protect provides a proactive, rather than a reactive, solution to the challenges faced. The philosophy of the product is to prevent changes to the desktop environment and avoid the need to rely on "repair" based solutions that are more costly and have a greater maintenance overhead.
Using NetSupport Protect, IT staff can create a secure desktop environment where system configuration and access from external sources are protected, where users can utilise available applications but are shielded from system resources and the temptation of investigating the workings of the desktop.
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